Monday, February 8, 2010

A true first, and inspiration

So for my first post, I though the best thing to do would be to inspire myself, and hopefully you dear reader. I spent the evening working on the blog and looking up all sorts of inspirational photography ideas. I finally decided that I am going to start with the first idea from this blog.
1. Play with Photoshop
So much of photography these days happens after the shutter release has been pressed. There’s probably a ton of things that you don’t know how to do in Photoshop. Learn something new and see what that does for your photography potential.

My sister leaves to go back home to overcast wintery snowy Chicago on Thursday.  So I have decided that I will start my trip down inspiration lane that night. I am going to shoot for 1 inspirational idea a day, I can't wait to see how this pans out :D...

So, for a picture that has been inspiring me lately I leave you with some beauty.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Set a goal and work towards it"][/caption]

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