Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 5 - Look to the past

Photography is, as Photography was.

You know your a true photographer if you trust in yourself enough to pick up a 35mm and use patience to get... just... the right..... SHOT!

Study the masters, read up on how they got famous, their styles, their techniques. Talk about truly inspiring!

My favorite artist to study is Ansel Adams, even though I do less then half of my photography in black and white, his style still impresses me and he is still a god in the photography world. I view his images and try to put myself in his shoes, imagining his perseverance in waiting, for the exact moment for the perfect image.

Do I brake out my 35mm and test myself? Yes... and will be more once I have my darkroom set-up. There really is no more awesome sound then the click whir of a 35mm as you take a picture.

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