Saturday, November 20, 2010

So very absent

I challenge myself to post here more often. I put out our hard earned $$ for this site and here it sits, like a red headed step child most of the time. Forgotten, left behind, neglected.  I can use the term red headed step child because my first born has red hair, and I am irish, it gives me the right ;). Not dissin red headed step kids promise!

So, back to why I am here, school semester is near to over, we're in the last few weeks and the end of the road is near. At least for a month then it will be back to the grind.

I have been busy busy, hence my neglect of the site. I could put up all the pics that I have taken since summer, but they definitely fall into the description of Photo101 and lack the beauty, spontaneity and simple life that I am used to exhibiting.  I do have a couple to share though, ones that I worked on despite being pressed to finish homework. Sometimes you gotta break the rules right?

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