Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Such a long hiatus

Quite frankly I just haven't had a whole lot of anything to talk about. Blogging is constantly at the forefront of my mind, and I do have ideas constantly floating around. It's just the actual sitting own and writing something worth while for anyone to find interesting enough to read.
So I think one of my New Years resolution is going to be to post once a week for starters, this is of course with hope that it again turns into a daily part of my life again!

And since I have nothing atm to talk about other than a baby bump shoot that I did a few days, that's what is going to be talked about! 
Note to self:
1. Give no more favors to friends for shoots until I have the right lighting
2. No more shooting in their homes, clutter and background "stuff" just causes way too much editing time for me and I gotta tell you. No matter how good you are at editing, you know that the person was extracted out of the background.
3. Run the show, don't settle for less then what you were trying to capture

It really is some simple rules that would have saved me tons of frustration and editing time. My time is worth more than booking multiple settings to "redo" a sitting because of bad lighting.

Can you see whats wrong with these images? Because they are glaring to me!

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Monday, April 16, 2012

It's been forever

It really does feel forever, to me at least, since I posted to this blog last. I guess I am just dealing with some major artist block. I have been looking over past pictures, trying to dredge even an ounce of creative inspiration out of something and it's just been.. meh.. nothing to really write home about. 
I've been thinking, maybe I need to restart my inspiration series, for myself mostly!
Today is just a short blurb, I kinda like how an image turned out that I edited. I was shooting for a bright springy picture and ended up kinda dark.. I always end up kinda dark.. why is that??

Friday, March 30, 2012

Going with my whole love of colors, I have a new color palette mix using Chasing Dreams free Color Palette templates. 

As always hope that this inspires a color mix for you! Or better yet, download the templates and play around and find your own color palette!
Cowgirl Love

Southwestern Palette

Lilac Love

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vector Photo

Vector Photo
Originally uploaded by Lisa Van Alstyne
This weeks school project was creating a vector image. I took a pic of my son and voila... 10 hours later, I am about half done o.O.
So maybe, I won't get an A+!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Massachusetts revisited

Revisiting some of my older images.
Oldified an image of a gas station that we found on a backroads jaunt while we lived in the Berkshires of Massachusetts. I believe this was on 8 down near Connecticut.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gold Tree

Gold Tree
Originally uploaded by Lisa Van Alstyne
Had some fun today with transparencies, gold leaf liquid and photos.
Photo is not mounted yet, hence the brush strokes. I think it looks kinda cool this way though!
Sadly you can't see the sparkle from the gold leaf, trust me, it is beautiful!